I became a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists 26 years ago this week. It was a huge day for me. The culmination of YEARS of studying and training. My family was there to celebrate with me and witness my rite of passage. I am passionate about my work and about helping people get well. It is so brilliant to hear someone tell me how well they are feeling. Where did that time go? How could I have been a herbalist for 26 years when it seems like just a few years ago that I stood on a platform taking my affirmation? But so much has happened in those 26 years. Some really tough times, some difficult political situations to deal with. But throughout all that are the patients who have needed my help and who never know just how much they help me by allowing me to help them and to be with them as their support. Just yesterday a patient said “I’m so much better than I was. I’m not where I want to be yet, but I’m getting there.” I love my work. I love being a herbalist. I hope you love your work too